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May, 29, 2000
ooo...two weeks and a DAY! i'm getting bad [and busy], man!
*sigh* what a memorial day weekend. but it'll be *sniff* over tomorrow...
i actually worked a bit on the site, tho it might not seem like much...

1.) revamped my non-album tracks section in "lyrics listings". there are now lyrics for 17, count them, 17 songs there
2.) added about 30 - yes, 30 or more, that is - freaky pictures to the picture perfect section under "humor". got rid of some old, useless pix, too, and mushed the other pix around so that there's about 10 pix a page...so even though i had up to page 14 before, that last page has new pix...and now i'm up to 16 pages...whoo!
3.) updated the hosted story "down time" -  chapter 20, as well as chapter 4 for the story "I'll never break your heart"
4.) added a link to quizsite under [the now titled]"Polls Etc." section... found this site a few days ago, and have been addicted since (u know how i am about my lyrics!)...proud to say i'm one of the top scorers! and i've contributed many a question (like, 20) ::beams::

May 14, 2000
(shout out HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my mom ;o)
it's actually been a week. wow. not two weeks...*gasp*

1.) added a new section  to my site called "stuff"...the link is on the sorta-new main page (i just fiddled around with how the page looked...)
2.) added yet another address to the "email flukes" page...
3.) chapter 9 of the hosted story "sometimes" is online
4.) Humor...added a bunch of "sporadic notes", as well as a new page called "say what?" =)
5.) added a humor site link - u GOTTA c da site, "Da Kinks"

i know it seems meager...but, what can i say? big things like addition to the scrapbook etc will prolly be done in summer...or whenever a lot of time is around...

btw - u freaks that like my story "nobody but you" (yes, the award-winning one ::grins::) don't worry, there will be a sequel, k? so stop buggin me...! i need some sanity

May 7, 2000

*yawn* i'm tried, man...
NEwayz, not a life-changing set of udpates here. so i'll amuse u with my video critiquer on "the one" for a moment...

    Bravo to kev, i must say, mister co-director. i personally would have gone insane with all those clips. eek. it was nice, tho. ahh, memories of the concert... ;o)
    considering the video is just a bunch of clips and not a "real" video, do u ppl still want me to put up pix of it in the video pix section...? just wondering if i should bother with the work...
    u know what? i seriously don't know how they placed on the countdown on friday - i never got to watch. some1 wanna tell me? hope it wasn't as bad as IWITW did (#8) or SMTM (didn't debut the next day)...*sigh*

1) k, one the subject - there's a voting banner for "the one" on trl on the main page...
2.) my story, Nobody But You,  got an award! it's third! *sniff* i'm so happy! (yes, the awards page has been updated)

3.) updated hosted story "Sometimes", chapter 8
4.) got more pix for picture perfect...now there are 14 pages.

bye bye for now
(UGH! i can't even say goodbye without that freakin' song getting into my head...STOP THE INSANITY!!!! )
