~* Updates *~

ahh...the last few hours of the millennium...some of you have already greeted Y2K...
didn't do much, but did something that should be noted...

1) finally got back up all the group pix online ::wide grin:: i'll try to do the video pix soon *sniff* i couldn't get it all up b4 2000. AHHH the SMTM video is gonna show tonite! ::breathes::

now i'm ready to pull one of my famous all nighters...hehe ;o)

ooo! it only took me 3 days this time! BOO YEAH!!! hehe...well...actually, it took me 2 days - i was ALL ready to update yesterday, but crosswinds decided to act stubborn, and the host was down >_< ahh wellz. at least my site wasn't friggin deleted this time...
u think i overdid it a bit w/ da lovely SMTM banners? (hehe...three on main page...2 here...) i just couldn't decide on ONE!...
hmm..could this possibly be my last update for the MILLENNIUM??? hmm. good question. only time will tell ;o)

1) I GOT 2 MORE AWARDS!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!

yes, the awards section has been updated ::grins::

2) added the link of the site who awarded me [link in banner section], plus another banner link
3) got more adoptees ;o)
4) finally got to work on some more pictures...the boys' pix r back up online - i added some too, of course ;o)
5) OOO i finally got my concert review and pix up! (the link's on the main page..."into the millennium concert memories")
6) made an updates archive...this page was getting a bit long ;o) (the link is under the "updates" title)
7) finally got the lyrics to "if you knew what i knew" up (in the non-album tracks section)...i swear i wasn't fond of that song when i first heard it...but, damn, it grew on me!...yes, i know, i got the LTL single a few weeks ago...yes, it took me awhile to get the lyrics up...
8) finally got up a new hosted story called "if you only knew", unfinished...made a new page for the hosted stories only...btw...rachel asked to have her two stories "Darlin'" and "The Journal" taken down ;o(...
9) how is this possible? the addies of TWO ppl who's stories i host don't work any more?? ahhh. look at the "email flukes"

geeze...only 3 days, and i think i did the most updates!  or am i just spazzing out? dat's mee...'spaz*ma*taz'..hehe...on the other hand...the members in the houshold thought i was a computer zombie...but i'll ignore their comments...

ladiida..had a nice quiet xmas... ;o)

1) fixed my friggin webrings page...well, actually, i did that last nite...but ahhh well...
2) set out to fix my adoptees page..and voila...made a whole adoption agency! ::beams::
3) got another email fluke...

i know it's not much...it it took time do do all dat, k??? btw, i added to the top of this page (no duh) a mailing list for ppl who wanna know when this site is updated...i'm trying it out rite now..if it dun work...umm i dunno....

no, i'm not dead!!!!... so wut if it's been kinda uh maybe um possibly er about  over 2 weeks since i last updated...meesa BUSY!!!! ergh...

(note again: for ppl visitng my site for the 1st time, or for ppl who haven't come in awhile, please scroll down to read some of the previous updates so i don't have to explain things  repeatedly  about my site  getting deleted etc ;o)
yes, i copied and pasted that note, tankuverymuch!

arritey - the updates...dun dun DUN...
1) i got another award!!!! ::wide grin:: ::jumps upand down:: YEAH!!!

thus the awards seciton was updated ::smiles::

k...wut else, u ask?

2) added about 7 pix to "picture perfect" in the humor section...i think i have like, wut, 5 pages of this, now?

3) added two of my recent thoughts to "sporadic notes" (in the humor section)...as well as some from 2 ppl who sent them in

4) put up many a story *phew*...
    "into the millennium"...27 chapters, a finished story
    "everybody (backstreet's back)"...14 chapters, also finished
    "the perfect present"...short story (so duh, it's finished ;o)

5) o, added email conact info for a bsb newsletter to main page

wow...already december, eh? *sigh* wonder if i can fix my whole site b4 2000...eeeep...

(note again: for ppl visitng my site for the 1st time, or for ppl who haven't come in awhile, please scroll down to read some of the recent updates so i don't have to explain things  repeatedly about my site  getting deleted etc ;o)

wow, i'm so lazy, i practically copied and pasted that ::sheepish grin:: naw, i'm not lazy, just busy, so please don't kill me...meager updates...

*Kela's email address had been changed to ktbpa4ever@excite.com (the links on her stories have thus changed)

1) Put up  chapters 1-4 of a new hosted story called "puppy eyes"
2) put up part one OF part 2 (yes, that's it) of "love, trust, and friendship"
...two more ppl wanna be hosted...so their stories will be up in due time too...
