~* Updates *~
August 18, 2000

i'd better gear up for some major fat-consumption soon...burger king here i cooooome
btw, i broke down and got the comic book. it's...interesting. thumbs up for the offical book, tho. that quote about bri meeting the "rest of his life" at the ALAYLM video shoot - AWW! ::melts:: that was so sweet.

k, here we go:

1.) if u didn't notice yet, i changed the whole link situation. it'll be much easier for me this way - whoo!

2.) stories - put up chapter 61 to the hosted story "two stolen hearts".
    ..for those of you are hating my cliffhanger and keep emailing me to put more up of the sequel to NBY...if u wanna know, i DO hope to finish If I Don't Have You by the end of the summer [thus, it'll be up hopefully by the end of the summer...hopefully]

3.) put up my own lyrics quiz in the "fun stuff" section

4.) added to "soapbox"

5.) humor...
    added over 100 quotes to "say what?"...seriously.
    put up a few more "sporadic notes"
    the "wtf" page has more stuff on it...
    added 5 more pages to "picture perfect"

*sigh* tis all for now...

August 2, 2000

this site is practically 2 years old...wow
NEways, one of my new resolutions is to stop rambling so much here [oh, and look what i'm doing?]
cuz i know in the future, i'll prolly only have time to jot down what ever is updated, and there won't be time for comments...
BUT...i have some things to say:
one: he whole dognapping thing. if a fan did it, well, that was just complete stupidity on their part. taking loved family members away from Brian and Leighanne...what's wrong with people today!?
two: the whole mtv snubbing a billion and one deserving artists for the 2000 VMA's. what's up with that? bsb wasn't the only one given freaking the cold shoulder...i mean...AHH it's just to aggravating. _< guess who's not gonna watch that show in september?
*cough* now onto updates...
1.) been trying to spiff up the site a little bit here and there...changed the story index pages and added a scroll menu...anybody like my surprise for the main page? hehe...[hint: wait for the page to fully load and see what happens with the mouse arrow]
2.) got three awards ::beams:: now up in the awards section
3.) added addresses to the email flukes page
4.) fixed the support section
5.) humor...
        added a new page called WTF
        Picture Perfect has been updated; new pages 18 - 20 (yes, that's 30 new pictures, ppl)
        added to the Say What? page
        about 5 more Sporadic Notes are online
OH...one more thing to mention...
::grins like an idiot::
backstreet's coming back...BOO YEAH!
(sowry...i had to get that out)