NBY Synopsis...

(for those who read the first story ages ago and don't remember much...but don't want to read it all again before diving into the second saga ;o)

        Three friends visit Disneyland. It's Jenny's birthday--she's turning 18. Her other friends, Julie and Sarah, both soon to be 19, come along with her, while the remaining three roommates have stayed busy at home. They meet up with the Boys in a chance encounter at an arcade, and they all decide to venture through the park together. Through actions, mistakes, and a Game of truth or dare, characters are portrayed and feelings are uncovered. Sarah's quiet, Julie's logical, Jenny's "abusive" (she swats and pokes everyone...mostly AJ =)...Julie's "favorite" is a tie between Nick & Brian; Sarah's is Kevin. AJ and Howie vie for Jenny's attention, but all she cares about is having a good birthday, and anyway, she's not a fan ;o)
        The group runs into one of the girls' roommates, Hannah, during lunch, and soon after, they meet Lance (from *N Sync). The group of ten stays together for the rest of the day (remember, this is fiction!).  A twist comes along in Space Mountain--Brian, who's sitting next to Julie, kisses her, but there's no time for a reaction or discussion because the ride begins. She tells the girls, and they convince her to talk to him; she does so while everyone is waiting in the line for another ride. Julie explains that she has to figure out her feeling because her liking is based on the two boys as stars--she's never really known either him or Nick personally. Brian later contemplates the situation, deciding he's too old for her, and that Nick is a better match.
        The Boys invite everyone to the hotel to stay the night, not wanting to abandon the new friendships they've just found. The girls and Lance agree; the group then takes the monorail to the hotel. During the ride, the guys learn that heritage-wise ("FROM from," quote Nick), Julie's from Taiwan, Jenny's from China, Hannah's from Hong-Kong, and Sarah's from India. Once at the hotel, the girls flip over the fact that the guys get them a suite. After some antics and tricks, Sarah is persuaded to sing "Have You Ever" for everyone. Eventually things settle down and everyone decides to watch a movie. Nick and Julie head down to the front desk to find if there's a place nearby to rent something; on the way back, Nick kisses Julie in the elevator. She and Brian get to talk, and resolve to be friends. The girls call up their remaining roommates, Chin and Cathy, to tell them what's going on. It's decided that the guys, with their time off, are to go the girls' house, only a couple of hours away by car, to visit. Before leaving, Lance and Hannah, who have hit it off from the start, take a walk...and kiss.
        After getting a bit lost on the trip south, everyone meets up at the girls' house. The guys comment on how big it is--all six girls chipped in; it's a nice place. The boys meet the animals--Darwin, Sarah's Beagle, and Kezia, Cathy's Akita. Sleeping arrangements are made and the tradition of throwing each other into the pool or any other body of water is started.
        Brian takes Jenny out to the mall, as a distraction while everyone else gets an extra birthday surprise for her ready. They run into an old couple who lets each know not to let the other slip away, and both are confused, since the two are not a couple and never even thought of being one. Noticing her coo over a golden-retriever puppy in the mall's pet shop, he get it for her, for her birthday; she names it Roky.
        When the guys have to finally have to leave, everyone ventures to the airport. Hannah breaks it off with Lance for his "own good," and is distraught. Nick promises to keep in touch with Julie.
        The group keeps in contact through the phone. One day, Brian calls up to talk to Jenny. It turns out Nick had gotten drunk from some spiked punch at a party and was basically cheating on Julie with another girl. She forgives him, but when she notices how upset he is over his actions, she decides to break off their relationship because she doesn't want to be his ball and chain.
        For awhile, it seems that all Hannah and Julie do is sulk about the house. They refuse to take phone calls from either Nick or Lance. One evening Cathy blows up at them, snapping them back to reality. Both talk with their significant others over ICQ, for fear of breaking down over the phone.
        Nick soon has an idea about Julie's upcoming birthday in April. The girls blindfold her and take her on a short plane trip to LA to meet up with all the guys. The week is full of activities; the group visits Six Flags and has an eventful strip poker game. Nick and Julie get to talk, as do Lance and Hannah. The two girls appear to be content with friendship; the two guys mistake their actions for true acceptance of the couples' "just friends" status, and though they want more, they act happy with the way things are.
        The Boys prohibit the girls from buying Millennium in May--they bring six signed copies when they visit next. The stay is filled with more events. On the last night, Julie can't sleep. She walks to the balcony, where Hannah eventually finds her, also being sleepless. Both Nick and Lance have dreams that have been recently haunting them frequently, and wake up. They end up meeting in the kitchen while they are both in search of a drink. They decide to head out to the patio and end up hearing the girls above them discussing their relationships and tentatively wanting to go back to more than 'just friends.' The girls realize that the guys have overheard their conversation and all four decide that it's time to talk. They kick the remaining sleeping guys out of their rooms to have privacy. AJ goes to Hannah's empty bed and Howie goes to Julie's. Brian and Kevin try to go to Sarah's and Jenny's room but wake them up by mistake. Everyone but the couples heads downstairs since they can't go back to sleep.
        Alone in the two rooms, Nick and Lance profess their love for Julie and Hannah, and both girls return their affection. The couples go downstairs to find everyone else and observe in silence. The Boys' first European CD is in the sound system and "Nobody But You" plays.

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