
Nobody But You

Hey THANK YOU for reading my story! YES YOU! ;o) at times i sooooo wanted to abandon it...but u ppl urged me on ::grins::

::gets all teary eyed:: i cant believe it's OVER *sniff*

but this is mainly a shout out to the 5 ppl who the characters - Jenny, Julie, Hannah, Chin, and Cathy -  were based on ...
dun dun DUN... my best buds!!!!!
These 5 girls put up with my writers blocks constantly and helped me edit this huge 32 chapter "novel" as it unfolded...
u shoulda SEEN some of the crazy messed up ideas i had put in the story! but they kept me grounded...if not added to some of the insanity at times ::sheepish grin::.
and aaaalllllll their input!  it wouldn't be the same w/out them!!!!...
[and eeeeep they're talking about a sequel?! *sigh*]

okay,okay... i'll let y'alls get back to wutever u were doing b4 u so kindly decided to come read some more of my babble ;o)

If I Don't Have You

Well...I seem to be back again.
Reading what I wrote last time made me smile a bit.

Again, thank YOU for reading my story.
I don't think much of it - same with NBY - but people seem to like 'em, for some reason =)

My 5 friends put up with me yet again - one, more so than the rest.
I mentioned her input on the index page of IIDHY, but I can't exclude her from the credits page.
CK, though she refused to be noted as co-author, did have an integral part of this story.
There is no way it would have been written without her.
THANKU, HON! ::hugz::

Last time I was scared of a sequel...what about this time?
Let's just say it's being thought about ;o)

bye bye

Don't Wanna Lose You Now

wow...it's hard to comprehend that it's over.
a trilogy has been written...
it's finally finished.

when i sat down years ago to try my hand at fanfiction, i could have never imagined it going this far...!

first off--thank you for reading the stories...for bearing with me through various writing styles, maturity levels, and irratic updates...

and to my 5 buddies that were a part of this--thanx for putting up with the irritating emails about which banner version looked better or annoying reminders about editing...!
and thank you ck for basically being a co author and main editor...this story wouldn't be anything without your ideas or writing.
and thanx to jct for editing the last few chapters like a madwoman so i could get them online with out too much self-consious worries about typos...

so what's up our sleeves this time around? i highly doubt another addition to the trilogy, major-novel-wise...but i'm playing with the idea of vignettes; you know, tiny short stories that just focus on the couples during random times...but i dunno...we'll see...don't make me promise anything!


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